Monday 13 October 2008

Day 12 - The boys are back in town

Landed safely, through passport control, bags collected and now sitting in a taxi on the way home! Now can I shave that beard off before Janet sees it?!!

Sunday 12 October 2008

Day 11 - Homeward bound

Pete gets on the plane!

Not sure how he managed it (without a passport) but Pete is on the plane to Blighty ... and doesn't he look pleased!

The Great Escape

Got through immigration at Joburgh thanks to the guys from the British Consulate! So a BIG thank you to Greg..

Long wait around!

We took a coach from Port Edward to Durban airport where the flight to Joburg has been delayed. At least I'm on this flight! Not sure about the next though!

what will the day bring?

Pete contemplates what the day has in store for him. How hard can it be to get home without a passport... on a Sunday when the offices of all that might help him are shut?

Monkey business

The place we are staying in seems to be overrun by monkeys!

About last night

We were treated to a Police escort and a traditional Zulu reception when we arrived yesterday afternoon. Everyone became very emotional as we all congratulated each other on completing the journey.

One of the stranger traditions of the tour is that a bike is ridden into the Hotel's pool - the picture shows the motorbike in the pool! Yes the headlights are still on ... and after a bit of gently tweaking, the bike restarted once out of the pool!

Saturday 11 October 2008

Day 10 - 200km

The last day of riding - what surprises will the team leaders spring? Everyone is a mixture of exhausted, injured, elated and definitely emotional.

Last day fever

Spirits are high as this is the last riding day... and no they are not having a crafty pee!

Only cloud on the horizon is Pete losing his passport! Watch this space for further updates!

Friday 10 October 2008

Day 9 - 200km

We started off with a visit to the hole in the wall and then stopped off at the beautiful Coffee Bay to watch schools of dolphins swim by and even a whale!

Later on in the morning, the more adventurous amongst us had a go at trying to wheelie in Kevin's Wheelie School - more falls to me I'm afraid!

Thursday 9 October 2008

Day 8 - 250km - Normal service is resumed!

We resumed riding today after our rest day. The riding is getting tougher; plenty of bruises but no broken bones yet!

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Day 7 - Rest day

No riding today, instead we visited a local school which is helped by Touch Africa and a small team of us spent all day putting up solar panels to power the school.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Day 6 - The technical day

This is the day that everyone has been looking forward to / dreading as it will be the most technically challenging day so far!

Lunch break

Pete takes a quick nap at lunchtime!

When the going gets tough ....

Amazing day but really tough. not many miles covered but crossed rivers, up very steep hills, culminating in the Gorge! which was hard. lost count of the number of times I fell after the tenth fall!

Breakfast time at Morgans Bay

Beautiful start to what is likely to be the toughest day so far!

Monday 6 October 2008

Day 5 - 300km

We rode nearly 300 km today so very sore bottoms all round! starting from Katberg, we rode over the Hogsback to Morgans Bay. fall count now: Czes 3 : Pete 2.

Alternative found to the lager nonsense!

Fortunately I have managed to find an alternative to drinking lager - Castle Milk Stout!

Sunday 5 October 2008

Day 4 - 250km

Another long day in the saddle going through a couple of game reserves! Spotted a Rhino!

Health and Safety in SA

It is fair to say that the South Africans have a more relaxed attitude to health and safety as we have ridden through four game reserves on our bikes. advice was "Dont stop!"

The hill

Pete negotiated going down this hill last night but took the scenic route this morning going back up it!

Fall count now:
Czes 2
Pete 1.

Saturday 4 October 2008

Day 3

Introduced to our bikes (Honda CRF230) for the first time. A quick briefing on the do’s and don’ts of riding in Port Elizabeth and we're off on the first day's riding!

Game reserve

First day on the rough stuff! interesting experience! lunch was in a game reserve ... spot the lion.

Leaving the hotel for the first time

Big send off today, but it soon off to the beach for the first of many photo opportunities for the Gold team ... and the scene of my first tumble!

Morning makeup!

Very important to look your best

Friday 3 October 2008

Day 2

Arrived Johannesburg and then caught a connecting flight to Port Elizabeth. Freshened up, had a few beers and were then given the first of the daily briefings.

Arriving in SA

A camera shy Pete leaving the plane at Joburg and enjoying his first cigarette for 15 hours!

Thursday 2 October 2008

Day One

Depart from Heathrow at 15.00.
Today is the big day! Some last minute preparations to be completed and then we'll be off to the airport!

First beer of the trip!

Just negotiated check in and security.. Cling filming the bags was interesting and not cheap!

Special message to my brother-in-law

Happy 50th Birthday Bill!

Love from the

Guildford Four!

Wednesday 1 October 2008

1 day to go

The SA Weather Service forecast Fine weather for our arrival in Johannesburg with temperatures ranging from a minimum of 13C to a maximum of 31C (thats 55F to 88F in real money).