Tuesday 30 September 2008

Only 2 Days to go

Not long now

Final details need sorting: passport, travel insurance, money - not sure if there are going to be any cash points in the bush! Oh and a toothbrush!

Thursday 25 September 2008

7 days to go

A good luck message Charley Boorman

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Only 9 days to go!

I can't believe there is only nine days to go!

Not managed to get out on an off road bike yet but the Rocker I took out on a test ride from the new Harley dealership in Guildford earlier in the week was good fun!

A big thanks to those who have already sponsored and to those who are planning to do so, please dont forget! Every little bit helps.

Saturday 20 September 2008

Still 12 days to go!

Pete the reluctant model showing off his body armour and jacket in this seasons latest colour ..... blue!

12 Days to go

Czes changing his blog settings from the jungle... Well Guildford anyway!

Thursday 18 September 2008

14 days to go before we fly out

The flight times came through last night from the organisers!

We catch an early evening South African Airways flight down to Johannesburg on the 2nd October arriving about seven O clock in the morning local time, then catch another flight down to Port Elizabeth in the afternoon.

If all goes to plan (!), we start our journey back from Durban on the 12th via Jo'burg getting into Heathrow very early the morning of the 13th.

Monday 15 September 2008

17 days to go before we fly out

getting ever more excited about the trip.

Still trying to work out how we are going to update this blog from the bush though!

Thursday 11 September 2008

21 days to go before we fly out

The last of my clothing turned up today.

There appears to be a bit of a black theme running through my gear! It all seems to fit quite nicely though I wont really know how comfortable it will be to ride in until we get to SA. The only problem I have at the moment is with the trousers as they appear to be a little on the long side.

Monday 8 September 2008

Pre-Trip Training

It is very important to acclimatise to the local traditions such as cold beer ..... and ..... lively music !!